Hello Blogosphere!
It is a good day to blog! (Said in the style of a Klingon, and I do apologize for knowing what that is, however if you understand what that means, apology retracted).
Before you start reading my blog post, I would like you check out BlogginBanana's post, it's a good laugh!
I have today off, regrettably. I was hoping to score a background job on Grey's Anatomy today, but no such luck. I love working on that show. The cast and the crew are pretty cool, they are always long days, and they have the best crafties.
Speaking of background, a couple of posts ago, I said I had some things going on, well one of them was an interview to play a dead body on Criminal Minds:
There were three other girls interviewing, and they picked the one who looked most like the girl who was going to be dead. I wasn't the one, unfortunately, but it's okay. I was that much closer to getting a SAG voucher!
None of this has anything to do with my Love Map.
I checked my e-mail today, and I got an e-mail from OKCupid it's a free dating site. It's a lot of fun though and one of the coolest dating sites I've been to. eHarmony is a waste of time BTW......Anyhoot, they sent me this map that charts where my best matches are according to my profile and matches on their system:
This explains a lot. I really hope there's a guy in Cali that can beat these odds, cuz there's no way in hell I'm moving to North Dakota.....Any North Dakota guys looking to move out to Cali, send me an e-mail, maybe we can make this happen!
As for the world map, why in the world am I match for Jamaica?!?!? Maybe it's cuz I have lots of jobs....(Hey! If you're looking for a PC blog, this isn't the one....) And I'm very pissed about Egypt being one of my best matches too. My One-That-Got-Away is Egyptian.....what the heck?!? Actually, he's not OTGA, he's One-That-left-Me-For-His-Girlfriend-And-Cultural-Reasons. So, eff that love map, I will not date another Egyptian, just to get heart broken again. Being dumped doesn't sound any better in Arabic....
Still trying to find a third roommate! Every time I get a roommate, I lose an apartment, when I get the apartment, I lose a roommate. Why is life trying to keep me in a cramped bedroom? I need space!! I'm breaking out of here, I don't care what it takes. In fact, I should probabbly be on Craigslist searching for a second job...Kay, Bye.
P.S. Thanks to Sonja, I found this signature generator through her blog! What do you think?
Cara mengatasi kutil kelamin pada pria
6 years ago
I hope you have more luck finding a roommate! I had a roommate once and she was the Roommate From Hell, no joke. I moved back in with my mom after a year and haven't looked back. Of course, it's just the two of us and I love my mom to pieces. I think your situation is probably a lot different.
Good luck finding work, too! It's tough out there!
Those love maps crack me up. I need to do one to see what I get....but hey, I do know some guys from North Dakota....;) They seem to be really nice or really weird!!!
Hey thanks for stopping by my blog!:)
Nice Blog!
I've only read this one post, and I'm already completely interested in your life, ha. Can't wait to read more.
Love the signature. I didn't know there was a generator for them.
Reading your words about ok cupid made me giggle, someone just made a fake account using my name and pictures there with the bio totally copied from my facebook. Totally creepy.
Love your signature! I like your blog background too :)
Your life does sound very very interesting and fun! I get that cramped apt/do i need another job feeling! Come by my blog and gander on my newest dilemma :)
Love your blog! And now I'm off to the signature generator!
...stopping by from SITS...
Steph @ Stick It in the Fridge
Stopping by from SITS....great blog!
visiting via SITS!
I enjoyed reading about all the things going on in your life; I wish I was that busy!
I'm pretty sure that every woman has the best chance of finding a man in N Dakota!
Good luck with the roommate search!
bummer about the interviews, sending you good vibes that something good happen soon! The lovemap is hilarious, where was that when I was single?? Probably best it was not around, as I would have most likely been a traveling gypsy looking for love!
Sassy Chica
visiting from sits:)
very funny that love can send you all around the globe!
hi via SITS!
Visiting from SITS!
Your love map has got me wondering where on earth they would send this small country girl to. Good thing I've already found my fella! ;)
Nice siggy! I am not all about the internet dating sights. However, I am floored that E harmony did not work for you considering that every Saturday I feel that they cram their commercials down my throat. I found it funny that they are now a "relationship sight." lol. All too funny. The love map sounds pretty fun. I don't know, just for kicks I guess. Anyhow, this blog is cool. Your list caught my attention because I am many of those things as well! So, I am going to follow! :o)
Popped in from SITS to say hi!
Hi from SITS. Oh how cool it is to be an actress! I love the shows!! :D
Oh and can you believe it... I am from Singapore! The 3rd country on your list! Hahaha...
What a great map!
I'm curious as to what your answers were to rule out the entire Western World... Really... my mind boggles at possible reasons for why Europe is blue, except for Hungary...
I'm sure you'd make a lovely corpse, btw.
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