This weekend turned out to be very interesting! A great turn around from Thursday indeed.
Friday morning I went to the gym and did my workout, just in time to meet my friend Dawn at the theater. We were going to see 17 Again. Turned out the movie time was different from what she had found, and I had to be at work at 3:00. We found it playing at another theater not too far at 12:30, so we headed over.
We got good seats in the middle, just where I like them! Let me tell you, Pacific in downtown Culver City is my FAVORITE theater. The seats are comfortable and the stadium seating is perfect, you don't have to worry about people's big heads or hairdos getting in your way! Anyway there was Dawn and I, two grown men (who weren't together, they were sitting far from one another, which was interesting), and a couple I think.
I'm so glad there weren't a lot of people, because Dawn and I were drooling over Zac Efron the entire time! I thought he was hot in Hairspray, but didn't think much of him, but now, I've become one of those tween girls screaming about him! I'm really much too old for this, but he's so GORGEOUS, it's ridiculous. Since Hayden Christensen went and got married, I think I've found his replacement....Don't even get me started on why he's so attractive. And what makes him hot in this movie is that he's playing a grown man. So he's not some dumb high school kid. His is a man, and he did an excellent job! His mannerisms and facial expressions were priceless. I really think he could be another great actor of our time if he picks the right roles.
Swingin' Saturday
Had to work at 5:oo am on Saturday, but it wasn't too bad cuz I was working with Dawn again, and we were still on our Zac Efron high. We were positively giddy at the thought of the boy. But it was fun being silly with someone else about a celebrity crush.
I was supposed to hang out with my brother and our friends because our friend Avery has never seen Final Destination and we were going to watch the trilogy. But he had a family emergency, so we ended up not going. I checked my e-mail when I got home and I got an e-mail from a guy I met at Brennan's back in September. We'll call him TR. I hadn't heard from him a in while. He's from out of state, but he was in LA for work, and he asked for my number. My brother and I were trying to figure out what to do for the night, but I was so tired I was falling asleep. Then I got a text from TR asking me to come out. I wanted to but I was super tired, and I did not fee like driving, but my brother was feeling like going out, so I figured if he was driving I would go. We ended up meeting TR and his friends in Venice. It was cool. We got there kind of late so we weren't there for long. It was cool though. I always like hanging out with my brother.
When I saw TR, I gave him a hug and he said "You look great!", this was cool because guys always say that in movies when they see the girl after a while, and I always thought: Guys never say that in real life! So I was really flattered. It doesn't take much for me, lol. I'll have to recap my love life /dating experiences one of these days so you'll understand my awkwardness when it comes to the opposite sex.
Slowdown Sunday
Had to work again on Sunday. It wasn't a long shift, and my mom and brothers picked me up to go to the Festival of Books at UCLA. It was crowded!! We go every year, and it's getting crazier!! My mom and I found some good info.
We were walking around when I saw a guy that looked familiar. He looked like a guy I dated last year. We will call him AC. So I text him and asked him if he was at the Festival, and he said yes. We ended up finding each other. I haven't seen him in about a year, and we just stopped talking to each other. There was no break-up or anything wrong, we just lost communication. Gave him a hug and he said "You look great!", haha!! This was awesome. I was so glad I decided to wash my hair on Friday, and look semi cute even though we were just going to the festival. So random, I see two guys I haven't seen in a while, and they both tell me I look great which I thought was a movie myth, and urban legend.
After the festival, my mom and brothers and I decided to go see Race To Witch Mountain. It sucked. The writing was terrible, it was cliche and just a BAD movie. I am not picky about my movies, so if I say it's bad, it's BAD.
We ended up seeing another homeschool mom we knew when I was in high school. She was bragging to my mom about being a grandmother, and my mom was saying she was jealous. I hate these conversations because then I'm looked at like "Why don't you have any kids yet?!", I'm like mom, would you like me to just run out and get pregnant? Cuz I can probably do that. I was just hoping to actually be in love and have a husband before I have children. If you would like to go out in LA and find me a decent guy, go for it, and good luck! I always hate seeing people that I knew from high school. I mean I live at home and I'm trying to be an actress. My life is not really noteworthy as of yet. SO then I have to say oh, I'm working on an acting career or oh I'm an online moderator. Neither of which are very impressive. But I'm making those sacrifices for my dream career. But that's for another blog another time!
Manic Monday
Went to work. Tried to do homework at Coffee Bean afterwards, but it was too cold outside, and all the tables inside were taken. I get a text from TR asking me if I can come hang out. I tell him I have to go to the gym then go home and get ready. I invite Dawn, Allison and Chelsea. We all meet in Venice Beach at a bar to watch the Lakers game (GO LAKER S 4- 1, WOOOO!). Then the three of us end up going back to the Ritz-Carlton with TR and his friend. It was good times after that, but I won't go into detail.
Also, this weekend I had checked my Facebook and I got a wall comment from The Guy, another long story, let's just say he's kind of 'The One That Got Away, only it would be The One That Let Me Go. The one whom I've had feelings for, that I can't get rid of, for the last three years. He never initiates any conversation with me, it's always me talking to him. But he actually wrote to me first.
So it was a very interesting weekend as far as my "Love" Life goes. Lol, I didn't meet anyone knew, but I had interactions with a few guys from the past. It was really weird that it all happened in the same weekend.
How was your weekend?
Cara mengatasi kutil kelamin pada pria
6 years ago
I looooove Zac Efron. Glad I'm not the only way-to-old-to-for-this infatuation with a teen heart-throb. I've been missing him in the media lately. Come on Zac- show your face (and go shirtless too!).
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