Jennie at Generation You has started this idea of The Campfire Network in which you swap thought provoking questions with a fellow blogger. The intention is to break the mold of your traditional blogging and engage in some candid conversations with your readers. Reveal as much or as little as you wish, but the posts tend to be more relatable and more robust when you open up. In turn, pick some other bloggers you want to swap questions with. No promises that they will open up. Remember, sharing stories around a campfire often times gets emotional and ends up with someone killing the vibe by crying, stomping off into the woods or wanting to fight someone.
My girl eQ over at Misguided Me and I have swapped questions. I asked her a few random, fun questions and she did the same for me. She's an awesome chick, and I would definitely recommend reading her blog, if not subscribing! She's a fun and interesting read!
Welcome to any visitor's from Misguided Me!! I think you'll enjoy her answers!! Please comment and let me know you came over!
If you would like to swap questions with me, let me know! It's fun and a good way to cross audiences and find cool new blogs!!
(See my answers to eQ's questions here)
Gen: What are you most afraid of not accomplishing in your life?
eQ: I am afraid of not making my family proud. It is easy to assume that they are. But I rarely feel like that is the case. I know my success in life (in their eyes) isn’t measured by how much money I make or the job I have or if I am married and have kids. I know that they will be proud of me if I just go out there and try. But I feel some pressure sometimes, since both of my siblings are married and have kids and good careers. I sometimes think they are waiting around for me to do the same. I just don’t want them to feel sorry for me. That would be the worst.
Gen: What do you like best about yourself?
eQ: Physically? I like my wrists. They are dainty and feminine. As Far as in my character is concerned I would have to go with the fact that I try to keep the drama in my life at a minimum. I am an avid believer that you need to flush the negativity out of your life before you truly feel at peace. Now that doesn’t mean that I myself am this perfect balancing act. I just think you need to stop letting the losers in your life get under your skin. Fuck them. The perpetual whiner, the slack ass roommate, the negative Nancy, the cheating BF/GF, the condescending parents. You know who they are in your life. Get rid of them, life is too short to be caught up in someone else’s drama. Now when I say “get rid of” I don’t mean hire a hit man or go stabbing them in the middle of the night. I mean either minimize interaction with them or stop communicating with them. Just and FYI
Gen: 3 Guilty pleasures?
eQ: This is a good question because as I am pondering what my guilty pleasures are I am smiling and slightly salivating. Mmmm, guilty pleasures….
1. Really expensive shoes. If I were wealthy I would have a serious shoe problem. Thankfully I can’t afford them. But that doesn’t stop me from going to Saks to sit in the midst of shoetopia. I get a little high when I am there.
2. Tattoos. I have 9. Collected over the past 13 years. I am in the process of removing 2 but not before I add another one on my back, which will cost around $450. They are addicting. I swear they put something in the ink!
3. Chocolate. This is an obvious one. All my friends and family know this about myself. Chocolate brownies, chocolate cake, little Cadbury eggs, Hershey kisses, Reese’s peanut butter cups, chocolate ice cream, chocolate covered anything. Gimme!
Gen: What is your favorite thing about being in a relationship, what is your least favorite?
eQ: One of the best things about a relationship for me is sharing my life with someone. I have a person who knows every little nuance about me. He knows how to manage me, anticipate my moods, to listen and give advice. I have a travel buddy and a snuggle partner. We are best pals. We are very opposite but I think that’s part of the magic.
My least favorite thing is trying to manage my expectations of him. I want to believe that he will change and adapt over the years. This may be true in some instances, but at the core you have to accept your mate on all levels the way they come. You can’t ever “expect” things from your mate if you do you are in for a world of hurt. Expectations just lead to frustrations. This is the hardest thing for people (especially woman) to understand of a relationship.
Cara mengatasi kutil kelamin pada pria
6 years ago
hey hey! look! We did it! FINALLY!!!!
Hope you are having a great week so far :)
xo, e
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