Hey All!!
Okay, so I finally have my hands on a real computer with real internet! Yay!! I miss blogging something terrible! But it's really hard to write a good post on a phone, let me tell ya!
So, you all know that I have moved out with my brother and we are now getting settled into our place. My room is a mess, but guess what, it's mine!! Lol. I just have a lot of stuff to unpack, but I'm so very excited! I actually have a place to put everything! I've never had my own room before, as you know, and it's really quite fantastic. As far as decorating it's slightly overwhelming though. I have no idea how I want to place things or what I want to put up! Not that I'll have money for any of that right now!
I had my first article post on Every Girl Blog about online dating, and it got a lot of responses! It was fun to write, and I can't wait to do my follow up articles, you should check it out!
If you've been reading, you know about my friend Jeremy and his accident. So many of you have been praying for him and being so supportive and I thank you soo much! Well, he is recovering very well! Yesterday, his dad asked him to hold is baseball for certain pitches and he did it exactly right! So, it's looking good, praise God!! We continue to pray for him and ask for continued healing and complete recovery!!
That's all for now! I have some more juicy news, but I'll save that post for Monday!
Cara mengatasi kutil kelamin pada pria
6 years ago
Praise God about Jeremy! the amount of progress he has made is truly amazing :]
How fun that you and bro got an apartment together! That's awesome :)
forgot to tell you at church today, thanks for helping and congrats on the apartment! :)
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